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Instructions on how to use the License Management Portal
Instructions on how to use the License Management Portal
Updated this week
  1. Signing on

    • Two emails should have arrived from [email protected] to the user email address specified during registration.

    • Please first click on the email with the verification link to confirm your email address, and click on the verification link.

    • Afterwards, open the “Reset Password“ email and set your password normally. Note that this procedure is needed for you to set your password in the beginning.

  2. Logging in

    • Go to and log in using your user email address and the password you just set for it.

    • You should now see the following screen:

      • Trucking WebApp: overall product suite including Trucking Company User Management, Booking Overview and Requests, and License Management.

      • License Management: separate module used to manage Gate Pass licenses in the CONROO system.

3. Getting started with User Management

  • This feature allows you to see all of the truckers who have selected your Trucking Company in the profile section of their CONROO App.

  • When your company has been selected in the aforementioned field, you will be able to Approve or Deny this connection.

    • Approve action: you become connected with the trucker, and are able to assign him a new license (if he does not have one), or to manage his existing license. You are also able to remotely change his license plate number, and his first and last name (only in case he did not successfully identify with the Gate Pass already).

    • Deny action: no connection to the trucker is made.

  • Once a connection has been approved by you, you will be able to directly assign a license to a trucker from this view. Please note that a random license will be assigned to the trucker in this case - if you would like to assign a specific license, please do that through the License Management.

Overview of User Management with Approve / Deny actions

Please note:
If you assign a license to a trucker via User or License Management, and they change their company in the app profile, this license will be removed from their account. This is made to ensure you automatically get your licenses back and are free to assign them, in case a trucker leaves your company.

The Forwarder (Trucking Company) field in the Profile section of the CONROO app is a free type field with a dropdown selection. Always instruct your drivers to type in one of the first few words into the free type field and then select your company by clicking on the full name as it’s written in your company profile on the CONROO Web App. Doing this will ensure that your trucker shows up on your list of truckers on the User Management section. For example, if a trucking company name in our system is CONROO GmbH and the trucker types in only CONROO and saves the changes made, he will not show up in the User Management section, as he did not select the full company name that was offered in the dropdown.

4. Getting started with License Management

  • This feature allows you to have an overview of all of your licenses, to assign/reassign them, to stop their renewal (or to cancel them), and to revoke them (to remove a license from a trucker and prepare it for further renewal).

  • You have the possibility to either claim existing licenses or to purchase new ones directly from the portal:

    • Claim License: this feature allows you to claim all of your existing licenses and add them to your profile. You can do this either by entering in a license key directly, or by using a Order ID. An example of an Order ID can be seen below; it is a common ID for all licenses in one distinct purchase.

      • The Order ID is always visible in the emails you received from us when you made Gate Pass purchases. For example: if you made two separate license purchases, one in 2024 and one in 2025, there will have been two separate Order IDs created.

    • Purchase License: this feature allows you to purchase new licenses directly from the License Management Portal. Upon successful purchase, your licenses will automatically be added to your profile, meaning that you will be able to manage them immediately after checkout.

Sample Order ID for newer purchases

Sample Order ID for older purchases

Please note:
You won’t be able to claim any licenses in case there is no domain match between the purchase email and your company email domain in the CONROO License Management Portal. For example: a license purchase was made with the following email address: [email protected]. The company CONROO registered for the Portal with [email protected]. Since the email domains match (what comes after the @ sign is in both cases), the operator will be able to claim any licenses purchased with the domain.

However, if the domains do not match, every attempt to claim a license or an order of licenses will not be allowed.

5. Managing Licenses

  • After successfully claiming or purchasing licenses via the portal, you should be able to see them in the overview as seen below.

Sample overview of the License Management Portal

  • Field descriptions:

    • License Key: the 16 digit license key in the following format A1B2-C3D4-E5F6-G7H8.

    • Assigned Driver: the CONROO App user currently that is currently using this license.

    • License Manager: the person with management rights over the license; i.e. the person who purchased the license.

    • Expiration Date: the date on which this license is set to expire or renew, depending on whether its renewal was stopped or not.

    • Status:

      • Assigned: the license is assigned to a trucker in the CONROO system.

      • Unassigned: the license is not assigned to any trucker currently and is free to be assigned.

      • Setup Fee: the license is not assigned to any trucker currently, and cannot be assigned until a setup fee is paid. You can assign a license twice within 6 months free of charge.

      • Expired: the license had its renewal stopped in the past and has since expired, meaning that it cannot be assigned anymore.

    • Actions:

      • Revoke: free up the license and disconnect it from the trucker it is currently assigned to.

      • Assign: assign the license to a trucker that is connected to you in your User Management in the CONROO Web App. Can be done twice within 6 months free of charge.

      • Stop Renewal: stop the renewal of the specific license, but keep it assigned to the trucker, usable until its expiration date. Note that this action will not remove the license from the given trucker. After the expiration date, the license will be revoked from the trucker.

      • Pay Setup fee: pay a setup fee to be able to assign the license more than twice within a six-month period. This button leads you to a stripe checkout, which will take you right back to the License Management Portal once completed.

      • Takeover Management: if a trucker who is tied to your company redeemed a license himself (which is the case for all licenses which were assigned before you started using the License Management Portal), and the domain of the email that bought the license matches your company domain, you will be able to see this action for a license. Confirming this action will make you the License Manager, and therefore allow you to take the above described actions without limitation.

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